318 letters written
Dear Family

Greetings from freezing Zurich!!

We donot know you personally but like family share grief, We and the entire world is sharing your grief.

We are sending you our prayers and wishes -Sandy Hook Elementary School.....Survivors, their parents, courageous teachers and all the people living in that region.

May the souls of the victims rest in peace and may their families face this difficult time with lot of strength. Everyone has to die one day and my belief is we meet our loved ones who have left us one day, may be in different forms, may be in different bodies, may be in some other life..... one day we will meet..... when??? i donot know but we will meet them for sure!!!!

Therefore, donot end your beautiful life until you are living. You have to Live and live happily, take care of all your loved ones who are still around and take good care of your self. You can support other person only when you can support yourself first. We are blessed to be in a human body, we must make use of this body to serve humanity. Be happy for everyone, Be sad if someone suffers, become their strength. Participate in the causes, where ever you are!!!

If you feel low....PRAY!! pray as much as you can, keep the light in you burning always!!!!
May you and your loved ones stay healthy, positive and blessed!!!

Merry X-mas and a very happy new year EVERYONE!!!

If you feel like it anytime, please feel free to write me. I donot think you need any kind of support as I certainly believe you are very strong and positive. But sometimes just sharing your thoughts and grief with someone could make the life bit easy. If there is anything we could do, please do let us know.

Your well wishers
Rashmi & Prem


by Rashmi in Zurich