318 letters written
Dear families and friends of SandyHook victims, 

I tried multiple times to sit down and write down the feelings I felt right after everything happened, but it was tough to get my emotions to sound comprehendible on paper. I tried to think of inspiring quotes to say or some sort of art work to convey my emotions, but I hadn't been able to put my focus onto any one thing. 

I was shaken to the core when I watched the news and the story unravel, I cried and still feel like crying every time I look at the pictures of the beautiful lives that were lost and grief stricken faces of their family members. I feel as though I'm about to cry now... but then I think, these amazing individuals just joined God earlier than any of us, which makes them so so special.

I hope everyone of you find peace. We should all hold our loved ones a little closer and tell them we love them so incredibly much. Life is fleeting and I think it's really important to see the good in everything, and really live everyday to the fullest.

Sending you love, hope, and prayers from Florida. 


by Vinutha in Tampa