318 letters written
To the friends and families of Sandy Hook, 

   I was watching the ABC news today with Katie Couric when she sat down with the members of your community and was in tears. It is such an awful thing to lose those who are so deeply rooted in your lives and in your hearts, and no human being should ever have to deal with the loss. But it is something that we deal with everyday, loss. I could never tell you that I understand what you are going through or say that I feel for you. Those emotions that you are dealing with are so great that unless I have experienced the same I could never empathize with you. I am a young mother of two boys who are my world and after hearing about the grief your community has experienced I have vowed to spend more time with my children and to cherish each day that I get to spend with them. You all have so much going on in your lives and to live each day as normally as possible I know is so hard. I do not have money that I can send, or any way to come and help your community. But what I can offer is my time. I am offering you all my email to write to me whenever you feel you just need to get your feelings out or just to talk. I am not a doctor, I don't have any degree that will help me to talk with you. But what I have is a family and can look at them and just tear up knowing that they could be there one moment and gone the next. I am young but I am still willing to be here as a friend for any of you who just needs somebody to talk to . My name is Ashley and I am 24 years old, young I know but I am offering you the best that I can give to you as support from so far away!!! 

My email address is bubbasmom2508@gmail.com, please email me and let me become your friend. I want to offer my help and my support to you in your time of grief.

-Ashley Klein, 24
 Spokane, WA

by Ashley in Spokane