318 letters written

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Dear Families, 
Please be assured of our prayers for you at this most difficult time.  We can't imagine the pain you feel, but we are with you in spirit.
My family is praying for you each day.  May the compassion of Our Lord and His Blessed Mother comfort you in your time of sorrow and give you hope that you will be with your loved ones in heaven for eternity.
We will remember you at our Christmas Mass in a very special way.
The Hennessey Family
Closter, NJ

by Jeanne Hennessey in Closter Permalink

Dear all,
Please know you have the world's love and support.  We will be here to help you...for a long time to come. Love a NJ mom and teacher. Xoxox

by Maggie in Roseland Permalink

After hearing about this tragic event I just cried for all of your families that are now torn apart. I am just a teenager and have many years before I have my own family but my heart still broke for all of you in Newtown. I didn't know how to think positivley about what had happened. I finally found comfort in realizing that there are now 26 angels up in heaven, happy, safe and most importantly free from all the world's dangers. They are all together, hand in hand watching over all of you knowing that one day they will be reunited with you agian. I sincerly hope that I can pass these feelings of relief and positive thoughts to help heal your broken hearts. <3 

by Erin in NJ Permalink

Words cannot describe the tragedy you must of had on that day. I cannot imagine what you are dealing with. My deepest condolences to the parents.

by Josh in Huntingtown Permalink

Come to Me, My children

           You bought part of heaven to those now in sorrow.
    The door is closed, there is no tomorrow
           This unbearable tragedy, that your innocence befell,
     Will keep our hearts grieving, as time seems to stand still.
           So come to Me, My children, lets us kneel and convey,
     To those shattered souls, that you are here , with Me ,this day

by jerry in wilton Permalink

Dear family of Sandy Hook victims,
    My deepest condolences go to your family during this difficult time.  The magnitude of this crime is so great, it really hits myself, as well as most of the world deeply.  You have to keep strong through this difficult and trying time.  Don't blame yourselves, this was just something that shouldn't have happened, that tragically did.  God is watching over your babies, and watching over your family during these times.    The innocence was taken from these children that day, and it will stay with them forever.  God has your children now, and believe me they're with you all the time.  They're angels now, watching over each and everyone of us.  Your children pass through my mind all the time.  Your children are an inspiration to stop this violence.  If we all get together and show just how heinous a crime this was, maybe then we can make a change for the future.  All of us in Florida have been devastated by this horrible crime, and I, myself could not even imagine this much pain.  Just remember that you are ALL in our hearts and prayers, and remember they're always gonna be with you.  In your most desperate and trying of times, just remember that your baby, and the other babies are with you.

With all the sincerest apologies for your loss,

by sara in jacksonville Permalink

Just a note to let you know that all of you are remembered in my daily prayers.
God Bless .
Clifton, N.J.

by Rose Marie in Clifton Permalink

There are no words to express how deeply saddened and horrified I am by this tragedy.  I hope that someday, somehow, you can all find peace.  I would gladly trade places with all of those beautiful people who passed away if it meant this had not happened.  The world is thinking of you, and though in light of this recent event many people are not focusing on what they should be - YOU - please rest assured that your loved ones did not die in vain.  It is my wish that the sacrifices these children and teachers made will somehow make our country and way of life safer.  I know these words don't mean much to you right now, and there's nothing I can say to ease your pain, but I hope that your community is there to help all of those affected in any way possible.  You are all in my thoughts, and though humanity can seem as though it is on a dark path, please know that even though I have never met you, I love you and your community and will never forget you.

by Jen in Dunkirk Permalink

Our hearts hurt for you. But know that hearts heal. Amen.

by Patricia Dougherty in South Plainfield Permalink

Wishing there was something we could do to ease your pain. All of you are in our thoughts and prayers. 

by Cyndi in Napa Permalink

I cannot begin to imagine the pain you must be feeling.  I am just so sorry that you are living this nightmare.  I wish that there was something that we could say or do to help.  Please know that our family's thoughts and prayers are with you each and every day.  I am just so sorry.

by Megan in New Jersey Permalink

Stay strong

by Tom in NYC Permalink

I can't imagine what you will be suffering now, 
but the whole world is with you to care and pray for you.  

by J in Ulsan Permalink

Dear family's                                                                                                                                                                   your hearts are permanently scared that's how my  therapist put it to me after I lost my son six years ago he to went to school and never come home not as horrific as yours but all the same  when you hear the news your child is gone  no matter how the circumstances are from that moment on life as you no it will never be the same  you can actually feel your heart being torn apart inside you. When I heard of this tragedy my wound opens up  all over again. Just no you do get threw it but it takes time  a lot of time , every one grieves in there own way and each and  everyone of your lives will move forward. No that your not alone.  God bless you all   Denise pepe  

by denipe2@aol.com in lodi Permalink

To the Families of Sandy Hook,

My heart aches for you during this incredibly hard time. I am a PhD Student from Harvard University and major in Sports Science. Being a student, I am restricted with funds (money available), but I can help any of the families with nutrition and workout plans free of charge for as long as they need. Exercise has been proven scientifically numerous times to negate symptoms of feeling down. If I can be of any help in this way, please contact me @ robolivar2@yahoo.com, I would love to help someone reach their fitness goals and help alleviate any pain caused by this tragedy. May God hold you all in the palm of his hand, and Merry Merry Xmas.

Sincerely with Love
Rob Olivar

by Rob Olivar in Somerville Permalink

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